We’ve changed our name from DiaryMonitor to YellowSchedule. The new name better reflects our expansion plans and global partnerships. Read on to find out what this means for you.
How does this affect our users?
In short – it doesn’t. It’s the same great product and service just with a new name. You can login at www.YellowSchedule.com and your existing schedule, contacts and appointments remain unchanged. If you forget and try to login to www.DiaryMonitor.com you’ll be automatically redirected to the new Domain.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the name change
to YellowSchedule, please let us know.
Based on user feedback we’ve made some small usability changes. We’ve pushed out small updates to allow handling of larger appointment titles.
We’ve also updated the “quick-add a contact” page to allow contact notes and custom data field contact to be easier to add.
Thanks for the feedback and if there’s anything else you’d like to see changed please get in touch!
Some users prefer to look at their notification email to see incoming SMS messages from their clients, rather than via the dashboard. We now only highlight new unread messages that are less than 2 weeks old. Older notifications will now automatically expire.
There are a variety of benefits to using automated reminders to remind your clients of upcoming appointments, benefits for both you and for your clients.
Every missed appointment represents lost revenue. Even a relatively low no-show rate when extrapolated out over a year can make a significant dent in your annual revenues.
Typical no-show rates vary according to industry, private medical appointments are often around 30%.
Read on for more.
DiaryMonitor enables your customers to respond to reminder messages to indicate confirmation or cancellation of an appointment. This means you can see in advance who has cancelled an appointment. This enables you to organise your staff and resources such as rooms and equipment more effectively.
Knowing in advance who has cancelled an appointment enables you to rebook those vacant time slots. This helps you reduce waiting list and organise your time more effectively.
DiaryMonitor users tell us that using DiaryMonitor has helped eliminate the gray area surrounding charging clients for missed appointments. By replying to a reminder message and confirming an appointment, your customer has inferred an acceptance of contract.
The number 1 reason for missing appointments is that the person simply forgot. A simple SMS or email reminder a few days before an appointment is appreciated by your customer, it helps them to stay organised too.
Where you have developed a working relationship with a client they can be embarrassed if they forget an appointment. Clients may sometimes even change their service provider rather than tackle the embarrassment of having to face you again after a no-show. Using a reminder system makes it easy for them to keep appointments.
Some businesses phone or send postal reminders for each and every upcoming appointment. They also then field phone calls from clients confirming appointments. Using an automated system removes that admin overhead. It’s also substantially cheaper than phone calls or postal reminders.
We’ve updated the event status panel to include the option of flagging an appointment as a DNA (Did Not Attend). The color that appears in the appointment view for this is black. The DNA will also be recorded in your contact’s history and will provide a way of tracking customers or clients with a large number of DNAs.